Last weekend the ADAC Sim Racing Expo was held at the Dortmund Messe.
We traveled to Dortmund and will give you a short review.
We never expected it would be that busy. Sim-racing is alive as ever. It does not matter if you are a starter or already racing for years. It is nice to what is possible and really the most fancy sim-setups you could find here.

We are not gonna discuss these with you all but know that at these Expo's you can try them so you know a bit better what you want. We liked the Fanatec outing a lot as they had a lot of simulators to try which are for a bit normal races affordable to start with. And yes also the Aston Martin Valkyre :) Other outings like Asetek was also really nice but if you are a starter than those prices and sims are maybe a bit heavy. Asetek brought their lmp-3 with them. Sometimes they put the engine on. Very nice!
The Expo was in our opinion a bit small and not all the brands were there. We missed Logitec and Thrustmaster at all. Not really the steering wheels you are looking for if you are experienced but for the visitors it was maybe nice they would be present.

Conspit.com had an impressive 360 simulator. Three beamers and very impressive PC's. A very nice simulator to see. But let's be honest. Most of us do not have the option to have this at home :)
At the ADAC outing it was possible to win DTM tickets if you would set a really fast time in their simulator!
All we can say that it was a nice Expo. Maybe too less brands where there but nevertheless it was worth of going there! Till 2024!